

Meeting Date Topics Discussed
January 18, 2024

Recommendations Review:

  • Review a draft set of recommendations and guidelines for conversational tools at UBC and gather feedback from the working group
May 6, 2024

Presented at the Architecture Review Board Meeting and obtained approval for the following recommendations:

  • Establish a Conversational Tools Steering Committee
  • Publish the deployment process, policies, and guidelines for Conversational Tools in Higher Education on the UBC Gen AI website
  • Develop a Proof of Value for an Institutional ‘Conversational Platform’


Meeting DateTopics Discussed
June 1, 2023Kick Off Session: Overview of working group approach, timeline and team introductions
July 28, 2023

Workshop 1:

  • Understand the concept of chatbots in higher education
  • Examine Chatbot case studies and identify implementation successes and challenges ​
  • Review Chatbot applications within UBC and identify benefits, impacts and challenges
October 6, 2023

Workshop 2:

  • Refresh on key takeaways and themes that were discussed in Workshop 1
  • Overview and demo of implemented UBC Okanagan chatbot
  • Identify governance do’s and don’ts of implementing student or staff focused chatbots at UBC
November 3, 2023

Workshop 3:

  • Recap key takeaways and insights from Workshop 1 & 2 distinguished between Chatbot Utilization Guidelines and Chatbot
  • Deployment Guidelines
  • Brainstorm and uncover additional chatbot utilization and deployment guidelines