Terms of Reference

The purpose of this document is to outline the terms of reference for the Large Language Models (LLMs) at UBC Working Group. The working group will examine the opportunities and challenges associated with LLMs and explore the possibility of creating university specific LLMs that can enhance the student experience and improve the efficiency of the university’s operations by including data that are context specific to UBC.


The scope of this committee will be limited to exploring use cases in the following broad areas of interest to the university community:

  1. Recruitment and Marketing
  2. Teaching and Learning
  3. Student Advising
  4. Administrative Operations.


  • Identify the pros and cons of using LLMs in the university setting including relevant ethical, security and privacy issues.
  • Identify types of use cases that are applicable to LLM capabilities
  • Identify specific use cases for LLMs within the four areas of scope defined above.
  • Prioritize the use cases and develop a timeline to develop corresponding LLMs.
  • Oversee the development and deployment of use case LLMs.
  • Collect stakeholder feedback and refine the LLMs.


  • A document summarizing the findings of this committee and specific recommendations for longer-term use of LLMs at the university.
  • A use-case LLM developed in collaboration with the IT team.

Time Horizon

The expected length of the exploration will be 6-12 months.

Working group composition

Meeting Cadence and Responsibilities

We expect to meet approximately once every three weeks until the committee achieves the objectives set above. All committee members are expected to attend and actively participate in the meetings when possible. The committee members will also contribute towards developing the document on university specific LLMs.